Rabu, 10 Agustus 2011
- THE STORY SO FAR: In the two years since it was formed (Mid 2007), Pee Wee Gaskins, a pop-punk group based in Jakarta, has rapidly leapt from the indie scene to the mainstream. With a single full-length album under its belt, the band has been featured in numerous magazines, including Hai, Rolling Stone Indonesia and Trax, as well as appearing on TV shows like O Channel's Demo and MTV Indonesia. The band took its name from Donald ''Pee Wee'' Gaskins, who gained notoriety in 1991 for being the first white man in more than half a century to be executed in the United States for killing a black man. In an attempt to stay out of the electric chair, Gaskins confessed to more than 100 murders, though he never revealed the locations of the bodies. Pee Wee Gaskins began as a solo project for the vocalist, bassist and main songwriter, Dochi Sadega, while he was still playing guitar for metal band The Side Project. ''Two years ago I had an acoustic song called 'Here Up on the Attic,' which I had written for a friend, who eventually became my girlfriend,'' Dochi said. ''She said, 'Hey this sounds nice -- why don't you write more stuff?' So I began looking for band members [after quitting The Side Project],'' he said. Dochi recruited guitarist Sansan first. The two had musician friends in common and had, for a brief time, been in the same band: Killing Me Inside, with Dochi on guitar and Sansan on vocals. The first thing they did was pick a name. ''One day we were chatting on the Internet trying to come up with a band name, and Sansan mentioned wanting to name it 'Serial Killer,'?'' Dochi said. ''We wanted a scary name, but the music we were going to play wasn't exactly scary, so when we Googled 'serial killer' and the name Pee Wee Gaskins came up, it felt like the perfect amalgamation of our pop tendencies and something that was inherently terrifying,'' Dochi said. The pair then recruited musicians Aldy ''Mustache'' on drums, Ai on guitar and Omo on keyboard and synthesizers. By late 2007, the newly formed band was performing at a lot of low or nonpaying events. Before long, it was headlining these shows, as well as performing as guest stars at high-school bazaars, where it built its fan base. By 2008, Pee Wee Gaskins was thriving, with appearances on TV shows such as RCTI's ''Dashyat'' and SCTV's ''Playlist.'' It was also featured on the soundtrack for the movie ''Married by Accident,'' which starred Nikita Willy. In April 2008, the band released its debut EP, ''Stories From Our High School Years,'' through the independent record label Kurd Records. The 2,000 copies of the EP quickly sold out. Dochi said: ''We used the Internet to promote it, and sold it hand-to-hand. We did the distribution ourselves. Total DIY!'' Between 2008 and 2009, Pee Wee Gaskins really took off. Fans, calling themselves Party Dorks, helped promote the band through the Internet and by dropping flyers. The Party Dorks were so spread out across Indonesia that there were local divisions such as Party Dorks Bali and Party Dorks Semarang. But the band's quick rise to the top was also met with disdain by other groups of music fans, who began calling themselves the Anti Pee Wee Gaskins, or APWG for short. Like the Party Dorks, the APWG community also grew quickly, with young people building Facebook communities where they could chat about how much they hated the band. There were also numerous subgroups, including APWG Makassar, APWG Surabaya and so on. APWG has never officially stated its intentions, nor the reason for its hatred. Online discussions do little to illuminate the motivations of members. Juan, an APWG supporter, simply wrote on the APWG discussion board on Facebook that he ''hates the band'' because they are ''homos, arrogant, ungrateful of their fans, copycats.'' Well, they certainly haven't met the boys yet, it's far from all those craps. At a show in Surabaya, a group of APWG members came to a Pee Gaskins show simply to collectively raise their middle finger throughout the band's set. So much negativity would bother most bands, but Dochi seems to take it all in stride. Facing the Surabaya audience of thousands, with hundreds of them flipping him the bird, he said from the stage, ''You guys are still young, don't hesitate to voice your opinion about us. We have come to make friends and have fun.'' Early 2009, the band released its first full-length album, ''The Sophomore,'' which was released through a larger independent label called Variant Records. The album has reportedly sold more than 4,000 copies in two months. A fact that makes Dochi happy, but not quite content. ''If you are feeling satisfied, you are bound to rest on your laurels. Then again, never feeling satisfied makes us complainers. Simply put, we are always trying to push ourselves as far as we can.'' As the story goes, the band is now preparing for their 3rd release on its senior year, Ad Astra Per Aspera, ''to the stars with all we've got'' in Latin
Sansan Guitar Vocals, Dochi Bass Vocals, Omo Synth Keys Vocals, Ayi Guitar, Aldykumis Drums -
From growing up to making out. From growing pains to blasting joy. From breaking up to making it on your own. Your everyday teenage drama! -
Sounds Like
Bundle Of Joy
Bla Bla Blast! formed when Ferron (ex-vocalist of "Arck") meets Rico (computer geek from "Dot Matrix Stereo System" & "Hellostereo!").
So in January 1921 they decided to group up and make a new band with electro metal backgound sound.
And then seven hundred years later joined Dochi (a monk from Pee Wee Gaskins).
They lives in distant places, but their super powers such as disappearing, teleporting, and toast a bread in the morning brought them together as a group of mamals from Netherlands, Semarang and Jakarta.
Bla Bla Blast! is a blend of melon and raspberry syrup..
Hey yang disana.. lagi pada ngapain eh?
SIDEPROJECT ? apa itu sideproject? COH!!
“Fad, bikin band lagi yuk, tapi gw maen gitar..” Kata Dochi kepada Faddy,
yang waktu itu masih dalam band ‘Monte-Q’, Dochi pada DJ & sampling, dan
Faddy pada vocal (di Monte-Q), lalu radio mobil Dochi sedang memutar lagu
‘Buried Myself Alive’nya ‘The Used’.. “Bawain lagu yang kaya begini ya?”
Kata Faddy. Itu adalah awal dari segala tetek brengsek Sideproject.
Let's make it quick.. setelah perputaran dan pergantian posisi, sekarang ini
posisinya jadi:
a. faddy, sebagai vokalis yang beruntung dalam masalah percintaan
b. dochi, berperan sbg anak berbakat pemain gitar, bermain sampling, dan berteriak
c. ayie, juga pada gitar, dan bernyanyi, juga sebagai pengadu ikan cupang yang handal
d. pasha, beruang pandai bermain drum dan bernyanyi
e. Dhika Tlor, sebagai pemain bass homoseksual ganteng dan bisa nyanyi
kelihatannya mereka semua bernyanyi yap? yaaa karena tujuan awalnya mau bikin
boy band hahahaa GAG LAAH!! hmmm cukup gagah...
tanya: boleh nanya gag?
jawab: boleh, nanya apa?
tanya: kenapa namanya SIDEPROJECT sih? tai banget...
jawab: loh kenapa sich? soalnya personil2nya dulu udah punya band tetap..
sukanya nyabut2in pemain!! tapi itu duluuu.. skrg kok malah jadi lebih serius yap?
faktor pribadi.. yaa kita semua gay, dan kita saling mencintai satu sama lain,
hahahaha ups.. ya intinya, nama SIDEPROJECT bener2 ngejelasin sejarah band ini..
tanya: boleh nanya gag, sukanya makan apa?
jawab: salah satu syarat waktu dulu nyari2 personil, kita cari yang selera
makannya sama.. yaitu, PECEL AYAM!! soalnya susah nyambung sama orang kalo
makanan kesukaan aja gag sama...
so sideproject is all about 'pecel, teman, dan patah hati'
hahahaha ada pertanyaan lain gag? capek nih..
tanya: siapa aja orang2 yang dah pernah bantu/jadi personil adisional SP?
jawab: ada Yubhi(gitar) & Qbhe(bass) dari Gounin Shirou, FaJarwo(drum) dari Farrad,
Ranggi(bass) & Oki(drum) dari mellodramatic bastards, Isan(drum) dari Friends of mine.
dan buat mainin yellowcard, kita dibantuin Geulis yang main bola ee biola
tanya: monte-q?
jawab: band ini yang membesarkan faddy, bawain modernrock, kaya incubus, ill nino,
linkinpark, disini faddy jadi vokal, trus disini juga dochi ketemu faddy, dochi
direkrut jadi DJ disini, sebelumnya bawain 311, slipknot, sama incubus... sekarang monte-q
udah bubar... kayanya.. gara2 sideproject yap? he-eh he-eh... sama faktor dalem
tanya: SP bawain lagu apa?
jawab: sblm bawain lagu sndiri kita pernah bawain yellowcard, the used, finch,
Thursday, thrice, matchbook romance, brand new, story of the year, dll.. lupa gw
tanya: gig favorit?
jawab: goodfest (walopun pertama, tapi sambutannya cukup hangat hehe),
gonzaga (paling berkesan haha.. soalnya pas pasha lagi pulang ke jkt sejak dia caw
ke perth, makanya, it means a lot!) oia, udah pernah manggung sampe nangis gara2
lagunya kerasa dalem banget gag? GW UDAH!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
sambil main drum bawain lagu sndiri 'a boy without expression' di azka hahahha
yaaa buka 'nangis' kaya 'huu-uu-uu' gitu.. cuma kaya ada yang ganjel, trus saking
keselnya ampe matanya berair gitu.. waktu itu gw lagi putus ma cw gw hehehe -dochi-
tanya: lagi ngapain?
jawab: -
a little about me, is that i'm still in a university majoring advertising, i sleep really late (and sometimes don't sleep at all), i don't smoke, i'm a sucker for details, and my friends said that i'm a good advisor, so dont hesitate to talk, maybe your infatuations will inspire me to make a good song to come.
i'm lucky to have met lots of endorsers whos always got my back, so i'm gonna return their favor by putting their logos here in my page, hope you guys happy :)
Selasa, 09 Agustus 2011
Nama lengkap : Alditsa Sadega
Lahir : Jogja, 26 Desember 1985
Posisi di band : Vokalis, gitaris
Makanan Favorit : Bebek
Nama lengkap : Alditsa Sadega
Lahir : Jogja, 26 Desember 1985
Posisi di band : Vokalis, gitaris
Makanan Favorit : Bebek
1. Dapet nickname “Dochi” dari mana sih ?
- waktu SMP temen2 pada curhat sm gue, katanya gue orang yang slalu memberikan solusi yg paling aneh tapi paling ngena. Makanya gue jadi di panggil Do-Chi = Dokter Cinta. Huahaha…
2. Sejak kapan suka main musik ?
- hmmm, awalnya sih main drum karna bokap gue pemain drum. Gue main drum dari umur 5 taun, tapi pas SMP gue mendadak blajar gitar gara2 tertantang cewe yg gue suka. Dia nanya gue bisa main gitar apa ngga, he he . tanpa mikir gue jawab, ‘Bisa’. Pulang skolah gue blajar gitar sampe beli bukunya. Besoknya gue tunjukin ke dia kalo gue bisa.
3. Pernah nyiptain lagu buat khusus buat cewek gak ?
- Lagu pertama gue tentang cewek yg gue suka pas kelas 2 SMP itu. Tapi sama sekali gak romantis, he he. Isinya gue udah gak suka sama dia karna dia udah ngecewain gue.
4. sebagai penulis lagu, lo sendiri termasuk cowok yg susah ngomongin prasaan ke cewek gak ?
- gue lebih lancar ngomongin prasaan lewat media lain, misalnya lagu atau tulisan. Tapi engga masalah juga kalo mau ngomong. I say what I wanna say, hehe…
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